Peter Thompson

Peter Thompson

Rank: Private
Service No: 13802
Place of Birth: Cambuslang
Date of Death: 3/7/1916
Theatre of Death: F&F
Regiment/Service: Highland Light Infantry (15th Bn)
Cemetery: Blighty Valley Cemetery, Authuille Wood.

Rutherglen Lore information: Husband of Mrs Thompson, 4 Mitchell Street, Rutherglen.
Soldier’s Effects information: Widow Mary Thompson.
Scotland, Select Births information: 3/4/1891 Cambuslang, parents John Thompson and Annie McAllister Thompson.
1901 census information:
Address: 14 Lilybank Buildings, Cambuslang.
Father: John (34) steel worker, born about 1867 in Cambuslang.
Mother: Ann (30) born about 1871 in Clelland.
Self: Peter (9) born about 1892 in Cambuslang.
Sister: Elisha (7) born about 1894 in Cambuslang.
Sister: Ann (5) born about 1896 in Glasgow.
Sister: Mary (3) born about 1898 in Glasgow.
Sister: Agnes (10 months) born about 1900 in Cambuslang.