James McKinlay

James McKinlay
Rank: Private
Service No: 1805
Date of Death: 8/4/1917
Theatre of Death: F&F
Age: 28
Regiment/Service:  6th Dragoon Guards (Carabiniers)
Cemetery: Warlincourt Haute British Cemetery, Saulty
Additional information: Son of Alexander and Margaret McKinlay of Glasgow; husband of Florence Beatrice McKinlay of 35 King Street, Canterbury.

Soldier’s Effects information: widow Florence B McKinlay.

Evening Times 9/6/17

Newspaper transcript – Pte. J. McKinlay, Glasgow. Mrs McKinlay, 458 Baltic Street, Glasgow, has been notified that her son, Private James McKinlay, Dragoon Guards, was killed in action on April 8, 1917. He was 28 years of age and a regular soldier.

James’ brother Robert Dobbie McKinlay