David Baird

David C Baird
Rank: Private
Service No: S/12581
Place of Birth: Hutchesontown
Date of Death: 26/09/1915
Theatre of Death: F&F
Regiment/Service: The Queen’s Own Cameron Highlanders (6th Bn.)
Memorial: Loos Memorial

Soldier’s Effects information: Mother Catherine Baird
1901 census information:
Address: 77 Braehead Street, Hutchesontown.
Father: Thomas (36), travelling draper, born about 1866 in Glasgow.
Mother: Catherine (35) born about 1866 in Glasgow.
Sister: Mary (17) laundress, born about 1884 in Glasgow.
Sister: Elizabeth (16) laundress, born about 1885 in Glasgow.
Sister: Jeanie (13) born about 1888 in Glasgow.
Brother: James (11) born about 1890 in Glasgow.
Sister: Agnes (9) born about 1892 in Glasgow.
Sister: Annie (5) born about 1896 in Glasgow.
Sister: Helen (2) born about 1899 in Glasgow.
Self: David (7) born about 1894 in Glasgow.
1901 census information:
The family are living in Rutherglen. The family comprises Thomas 46,  Catherine 46, James 21, Agnes 19, Annie 14, David 17, Helen 12, Catherine 10, Dorothy 8, Margaret 5.

Evening Times 18/9/1916

Newspaper transcript –information has been received by Mr and Mrs Baird, 40 Calderwood Road, Glasgow, that their son Private David Baird, Cameron Highlanders, ?  previously posted missing on September 25, has been reported killed. Private Baird who was 21 years of age, was previously employed by Messrs J and W Campbell, Ingram Street.

Evening Times 25/9/1917

Newspaper transcript – Baird. – Killed in action, on 25th September, 1915, at Loos, Private David Baird, Camerons, dearly beloved son of Mr and Mrs Thomas Baird, Craigielea, 40 Calderwood Road, Rutherglen.
How sadly we miss him, and will
Until the day breaks and the shadows flee away.

Also commemorated on the Memorial in West Parish Church, Rutherglen and on the family headstone in Rutherglen Cemetery.

Headstone transcript – David Baird Cameron Highlanders Killed at Loos, 25th Sept 1915, Aged 21