James Gilchrist

James Gilchrist
Rank: Private
Service No: 21332
Place of Birth: Rutherglen
Date of Death: 09/01/1917
Theatre of Death: Mesopotamia
Regiment/Service: Highland Light Infantry
Memorial: Basra Memorial
Additional information: Son of the late Mr. A Gilchrist and Mrs. Gilchrist (stepmother) of 2 Victoria Place, Greenbank Street, Rutherglen.

Rutherglen Lore information: Son of Arch. Gilchrist, 59 High Street, Rutherglen.
Soldier’s Effects information: Father Archibald Gilchrist, brother Archibald, and sisters Jenny Allan and Annie Dickson.
1901 census information:
Address: 13 Greenbank Street, Rutherglen.
Father: Archibald (48) van man, born about 1853 in Rutherglen.
Step-mother: Elizabeth (33) born about 1868 in Rutherglen.
Brother: Archibald  (20) pastry baker,  born about 1881 in Glasgow.
Sister: Janet (14) cotton weaver, born about 1887 in Glasgow.
Self: James (12) born about 1889 in Glasgow.
Sister: Margaret (8) born about 1893 in Rutherglen.
1911 Census information:
The family are living in Rutherglen. The family comprises Elizabeth 48, James 22 and Margaret 18.

Also commemorated on the memorial at West Parish Church, Rutherglen.