James Kelly

James Kelly
Rank: Private
Service No: S/6988
Place of Birth: Rutherglen
Date of Death: 14/07/1916
Theatre of Death: F&F
Regiment/Service: Black Watch (1st Bn.)
Cemetery: Fricourt British Cemetery

Soldier’s Effects information: Father William and mother Agnes S Kelly.
1901 census information:
Address: 17 Mitchell Street, Rutherglen.
Father: William (32) stoneware potter, born about 1869 in Larkhall.
Mother: Agnes (30) born about 1871 in Rutherglen.
Self: James (9) born about 1892 in Rutherglen.
Brother: Lawson (6) born about 1895 in Rutherglen.
Sister: Allison (4) born about 1897 in Rutherglen.