John Brannan
Rank: Driver
Service No: 418289
Place of Birth: Rutherglen
Date of Death: 30/06/1918
Theatre of Death: F&F
Regiment/Service: Royal Engineers (35th Div. Signal Coy.)
Cemetery: Bagneux British Cemetery, Gezaincourt
Rutherglen Lore information: Mrs. Brannan, 119 King Street, Rutherglen.
Soldier’s Effects information: Died at 56 CCS. Widow Mary Brannon and 3 children.
1901 census information:
Address: 82 Mill Street, Rutherglen.
Father: Patrick (35) coal miner, born about 1865 in Rutherglen.
Mother: Elizabeth (39) born about 1862 in Rutherglen.
Brother: Patrick (14) tube worker, born about 1887 in Rutherglen.
Brother: Thomas 10, born about 1891 in Glasgow.
Self: John (9) born about 1892 in Rutherglen.
Brother: William (6) born about 1895 in Rutherglen.
Sister: Jane (4) born about 1897 in Rutherglen.
Brother: James (3) born about 1898 in Rutherglen.