John Todd

John Todd

Rank: Lieutenant
Date of Death: 4/7/1918
Age: 22
Regiment/Service: Highland Light Infantry (9th (Glasgow Hds.) Bn)
Cemetery: La Targette British Cemetery, Neuville-St. Vaast
Additional information: Son of John Todd of Cambuslang.

Rutherglen Lore information: Son of Mr and Mrs John Todd, Fernbank, Cambuslang.
Soldier’s Effects information: Executor John Todd.
De Ruvigny’s Roll information: Lieut, 9th (Territorial) attd. 1/6th (Territorial) Bn. The Highland Light Infantry, eldest s. of John Todd of Fernbank, Cambuslang, Glasgow by his wife, Jeanie Mackinly, dau. of the late Matthew Gilmour of Cambuslang; b. Rutherglen, Glasgow, 15 July 1895; edu. Trinity College, Glenalmond; volunteered for active service on the outbreak of war, and joined the 9th Bn. The Highland Light Infantry 6 Aug 1914; served with the Expeditionary Force in France and Flanders from 5 Nov. following;  obtained a commission in his own battalion, and was gazetted 2nd Lieut. in June 1915; promoted Lieut. in Dec 1917; was severely wounded 15 July 1916 and invalided home; on recovery proceeded to Palestine in Nov. of the same year; returned to the French front in April 1918, being attached to the 6th Bn, and  died at Vimy Ridge 4 July following, of wounds received in action the previous day, while seeing his men, who formed a working party, to safety. Buried in Aux Reitz Cemetery, near Neuville St. Vaast. The letters received by his parents all testify to his happy disposition and all-pervading cheeriness. A brother officer wrote: “His wonderful cheery disposition made him a great friend with everyone, officers and men. He could at all times be cheery and bright, even under the most adverse circumstances. In this company things never went better than during the period that he was in command. The men were eager to work, and were never in better spirits. ‘Terry’ considered the men and they would have done anything for him,” and another: “A splendid young officer, and a true friend to the men he commanded.” His Sergt. also wrote: He died just as he lived, making jokes and trying to cheer other people.” Unm.
1901 census information:
Invermay, Cambuslang.
 John Jr (39) rope and twine manufacturer, born about 1862 in Glasgow.
Jane M (27) born about 1874 in Glasgow.
John (5) born about 1896 in Rutherglen.
Brother: Matthew G (3) born about 1898 in Rutherglen.