Neil Fairlie McCulloch
Rank: Sapper
Service No: 51752
Place of Birth: Rutherglen
Date of Death: 13/09/1916
Theatre of Death: F&F
Age: 36
Regiment/Service: Royal Engineers (78th Field Coy.)
Cemetery: Couin British Cemetery
Additional information: Son of James and Margaret Fairlie McCulloch of Rutherglen; husband of Mary M.K.M. Jamieson (formerly McCulloch) of 96 Woddrop Street, Dalmarnock.
Rutherglen Lore information: Husband of Mrs. McCulloch, 16 Birkwood Street, Bridgeton.
Soldier’s Effects information: Widow Mary McCulloch and children.
British Army WW1 Service Records information: NOK Mary McKerrow Murray Fowler or McCulloch. Child Mary Murray Fowler born 19/02/1914.
1901 census information:
Address: Stonelaw Road, Rutherglen.
Mother: Maggie (60) born about 1841 in Campbelltown.
Brother: James (31) steam engine fitter, born about 1870 in Shettleston.
Brother: Thomas (30) silk ? born about 1871 in Rutherglen.
Sister: Maggie (23) milliner, born 1878 about in Rutherglen.
Self: Neil (21) bricklayer, born about 1880 in Rutherglen.
Brother-in-Law: Samuel Leggatt (29) electrician, born about 1872 in Wishaw.
Sister: Isabella Leggatt (27) born 1874 about in Rutherglen.
Nephew: Daniel (11 months) born about 1900 in Rutherglen.
Newspaper transcript – Mrs McCulloch, 16 Birkwood Street, Bridgeton, has received official information of the death of her husband, Sapper Neil McCulloch, Royal Engineers, in France. He enlisted at the outbreak of the war and was employed as a bricklayer with Mr C ? , Burnside.