Patrick Higgins

Patrick Higgins
Rank: Private
Service No: 12332
Date of Death: 25/09/1915
Theatre of Death: France
Regiment/Service: Cameronians (Scottish Rifles) (9th Bn.)
Loos Memorial

Rutherglen Lore information: Son of Bernard Higgins, 263 King Street, Rutherglen.
Soldier’s Effects information: Father Bernard Higgins.
1901 census information:
Address: 82 Mill Street, Rutherglen.
Father: Bernard (35) iron tube fitting finisher, born about 1866 in Ireland.
Mother: Annie (34) born about 1867 in Rutherglen.
Sister: Mary Ann (10)  born about 1891 in Eastfield, Rutherglen.
Sister: Ellen (8) shirt machinist, born about 1893 in Eastfield, Rutherglen.
Self: Patrick (6) born about 1895 in Eastfield, Rutherglen.
Sister: Margaret (3) born about 1898 in Rutherglen.

Evening Times 9/11/1915

Newspaper transcript – Private P. Higgins, 9th Scottish Rifles, is reported killed at the front. He resided at 263 King Street, Rutherglen.