Peter Mellin

Peter Mellin
Rank: Sapper
Service No: 2454
Place of Birth: Rutherglen
Date of Death: 15/06/1915
Theatre of Death: Gallipolli
Age: 2o
Regiment/Service: Royal Engineers (2nd (Lowland) Field Coy.)
Cemetery: Twelve Tree Copse Cemetery
Additional information: Son of Mr. and Mrs. John Mellin of 2 McAlpine Place, Rutherglen.

Rutherglen Lore information: Son of Mrs. Mellin, 2 McAlpine Place, Rutherglen.
Soldier’s effects information: Mother Rosina and sister Jeannie Mellin.
1901 census information:
Address: 2 McAlpine Place, Rutherglen.
Father: John (40) paper mill hammerman, born about 1861 in England.
Mother: Rosina (38) born about 1863 in Ireland.
Sister: Rosina (18) overhauler in paper mill, born about 1883 in Glasgow.
Brother: Charles (15) railway telegraph boy, born about 1886 in Glasgow.
Brother: John (11) born about 1890 in Glasgow.
Self: Peter (6) born about 1895 in Rutherglen.
Sister: Jane (3) born about 1898 in Rutherglen.

Evening Times 14/7/1915

Newspaper transcript – Mrs Mellin, 2 McAlpine Place, Rutherglen, has received official information that her son, Sapper P. Mellin, died at the Dardanelles on June 14. It appears that a sergeant and two sappers were sent out to repair a well, when a sniper, who was only a matter of 300 yards from them, shot the deceased in the chest, the bullet passing out at the back. He was carried to the hospital, but died that same night. Deceased was about 20 years of age, and had been a member of the 2nd Lowland Field Company, R.E., for about two years, and was employed as an apprentice fitter by the Scotia Rivet and Nut Company prior to the war.