Thomas Culbert

Thomas Culbert
Rank: Private
Service No: S/3180
Place of Birth: Dalmellington, Ayrshire
Date of Death: 09/05/1915
Theatre of Death: F&F
Age: 30
Regiment/Service: Black Watch (Royal Highlanders) (2nd Bn.)
Memorial: Le Touret Memorial
Additional information: Husband of Annie Waugh Bain Culbert of 67 Glasgow Road, Rutherglen.

Rutherglen Lore information: Husband of Mrs. Culbert, 81 High Street, Rutherglen.
Soldier’s Effects information: Widow Annie Culbert.
1911 census information:
The family are living in Rutherglen. The family comprises Thomas 26, Annie 24, Lizzie 2 and William 0.

Evening Times 27/5/1915

Newspaper transcript – Mrs Culbert, 81 High Street, Rutherglen, has been informed that her husband, Private Thomas Culbert (30), has been killed at the front. He enlisted in the 2nd Battalion Black Watch on October 17 last. He was employed at Newton Steel Works prior to the war. He was a native of Coatbridge. He was well known and highly respected in Rutherglen.

Airdrie & Coatbridge Advertiser 29/5/1915

Newspaper transcript – Official information reached Coatbridge during the week of Private Tom Culbert, 2nd Batt. Black Watch, had been killed in action on 9th May. Deceased was the husband of Annie Waugh, and fourth son of Mr. Wm. Culbert, Swallow Cottage, Calder. The late Private Culbert enlisted on Oct 17th and was only about six weeks at the front. He was practically a native of Coatbridge, as it is only five years since he left the town to reside in Rutherglen, and was employed as a moulder in Newton Steel Works. The Monkland Harriers and friends will remember him as an active member for two seasons, and, also as brother to George Culbert, the well-known cross-country runner and ex Western District Champion, who is now in training with the 6th H.L.I. Private T Culbert has left a widow and four children mourn his loss, also a large circle of relations and friends in both Coatbridge and Rutherglen, being well known and respected in both places. The following letter has been received from the Commanding Officer: “My dear Mrs Culbert, It is with great regret that I have to inform you of the death of your husband, Private (3180), Thos. Culbert, in action. He was killed outright in a gallant but unsuccessful charge which the Battalion made on Sunday, 9th May. Your husband was a brave soldier, in whom both officers and men placed great confidence, and the Army call ill afford to lose such men as he. His comrades wish to join me in tendering our deep united sympathy, with you in your loss. J O Hutchison, 2nd Lieut., commanding 2/3 Company.

Also commemorated on the memorial at West Parish Church, Rutherglen.