William Barclay

William Barclay
Rank: Armourer’s Crew
Service No
: M8661
Date of Death: 31/05/1916
Theatre of Death: RN HMS ‘Defence’
Age: 19
Regiment/Service: Royal Navy
Memorial: Plymouth Naval Memorial
Additional information: Son of John and Mary Barclay of 35 Greenhill Road, Rutherglen.

Rutherglen Lore information: Son of Mr. and Mrs. Barclay, 28 Mill Street, Rutherglen.
1901 census information:
Address: 10 Crosshill Road, Rutherglen.
Father: John (39) spindle maker’s turner, born about 1862 in Stewarton.
Mother: Mary (36) born about 1865 in Beith.
Sister: Jeanie (15) doctor’s dispenser, born about 1886 in Stewarton.
Brother: John (13) office boy, born about 1888 in Beith.
Brother: James (6) born about 1895 in Rutherglen.
Self: William (4) born about 1897 in Rutherglen.
Brother: Robert (1) born about 1900 in Rutherglen.
Brother: David (1) born about 1900 in Rutherglen.
1911 census information:
The family are living in Rutherglen. The family comprises Mary 46, Jeanie 25, John 23, James 16, William 14, Robert 11, David 11, Alexander 8 and Margaret 6.

Also commemorated on the memorial in Rutherglen Old Parish Church.