William Duffy
Rank: Private
Service No: 19508
Place of Birth: Rutherglen
Date of Death: 13/08/1916
Theatre of Death: F&F
Regiment/Service: Royal Scots Fusiliers (6th/7th Bn.)
Cemetery: Puchevillers British Cemetery
Soldier’s Effects information: Father Hugh Duffy and Sister Maggie Meikle.
1901 census information:
Address: 5 Artizan Street, Rutherglen.
Father: Hugh (32) coal miner, born about 1869 in Rutherglen.
Sister: Maggie (10) born about 1891 in Rutherglen.
Brother: Hugh (7) born about 1894 in Rutherglen.
Self: William (5) born about 1896 in Rutherglen.
Newspaper transcript – Intimation has been received by Mrs Meikle, 230 King Street, Rutherglen, that her brother, Private William Duffy, R.S.F., died from wounds received in action on August 13, 1916. He was employed as a miner before joining the Army with William Dixon (Limited). Private Duffy was 20 years of age.