William McCartney

William McCartney
Rank: Private
Service No: 10569
Place of Birth: Mossend, Lanarkshire
Date of Death: 01/07/1916
Theatre of Death: F&F
Regiment/Service: Seaforth Highlanders
Cemetery: Serre Road Cemetery No. 1
Additional information: Brother of Mrs. A Lennox of 5 Barnflat Street, Rutherglen.

Rutherglen Lore information: Brother of Joseph McCartney, 27 Victoria Street, Rutherglen.
Soldier’s Effects information: Sister Annie Lennox.
1891 census information:
Address: 18 Regent Street, Rutherglen.
Father: William (38) steel melter, born about 1853 in Ireland.
Brother: Joseph (14) apprentice rope worker, born about 1877 in Bothewell.
Brother: John (12) born about 1879 in Bothwell.
Sister: Annie (10) born 1881 about in Bothwell.
Self: William (8) born about 1883 in Bothwell.
Sister: Elizabeth Jane (6) born 1885 about in Bothwell.

Evening Times 3/8/1917

Newspaper transcript – Pte. W. McCartney, Rutherglen. Mr Joseph McCartney, 27 Victoria Street, Rutherglen, has received intimation that his brother, Private Wm. McCartney, who was missing for twelve months, has been killed in action. Prior to going into the Army as reserve man he was employed at the Clyde Iron Works.