William Nisbet
Rank: Private
Service No: 6761
Place of Birth: Glasgow
Date of Death: 18/12/1914
Theatre of Death: F&F
Regiment/Service: Scots Guards (2nd Bn.)
Memorial: Ploegsteert Memorial
Soldier’s effects information: Wife Phyllis Nisbet.
1901 census information:
Address: 22 Camperdown Street, Glasgow.
Father: William (37) police constable, born about 1864 in Galston.
Mother: Catherine (40) born about 1861 in Dairy.
Sister: Mary (15) message girl, born about 1886 in Glasgow.
Sister: Sarah (14) message girl, born about 1887 in Glasgow.
Self: William (11) born about 1890 in Glasgow.
Sister: Catherine (9) born about 1892 in Glasgow.
Sister: Jane (8) born about 1893 in Glasgow.
Brother: James (6) born about 1895 in Glasgow.
Brother: Malcolm (3) born about 1898 in Glasgow.
Brother: John (10 months) born about 1900 in Glasgow.
Newspaper transcript – Word has been received from the War Office that Corporal William Nisbet, of the 2nd Scots Guards, was killed in action on December 18. corporal Nisbet, whose father, William Nisbet, is a member, of the Glasgow Police Force (Northern Division), was a Reservist, being called up at the beginning of the war. Prior to that he was a motorman in the employment of the Glasgow Tramways, being stationed at the Dalmarnock Depot. He leaves a widow and five children. Mr Nisbet has another son serving with the colours.
Also commemorated on the Glasgow Corporation Tramways, Dalmarnock Depot memorial (now located at the Glasgow Museum Resource Centre).