
Andrews Family 

The earliest documented records of my Andrews family date back to 1811, with the birth of James Andrews in Rutherglen. James’s parents were John Andrews and Mary Wilson. John held the occupation of a miller. At that time, Rutherglen had only one mill in operation, which employed just two individuals – the miller himself and his assistant. The mill primarily processed oats, barley, and peas.

Ist Generation

John Andrews and Mary Wilson

2nd Generation

John Andrews and Mary Wilson’s children

James Andrews b 1811
Margaret Andrews
Ann Andrews
Simon Andrews
Catherine Andrews

3rd Generation

Margaret Andrews and John Phillip’s children

Mary Phillip b abt 1845 in Perth
Margaret Phillip
Victoria Phillip
Jane Phillip
Janet Phillip b abt 1853 in Dunfermline d 1872 in Glasgow

Ann Andrews and Peter Liddell’s children

Mary Liddell b about 1839 d 1861 in Glasgow
Isabella Liddell b abt 1842
William Liddell b abt 1844
James Liddell b abt 1847
Simon Liddell  b abt 1849
Ellen Liddell
Jane Liddell b 1857 in Glasgow d 1859 in Glasgow
Jane Ferguson Liddell b 1859 in Glasgow d 1863 in Glasgow

Simon Andrews and Ann Graham’s children

Simon Andrews b about 1842 in Glasgow d 1924 in New Zealand
James Andrews
John Andrews
Annie Andrews
William Andrews
Agnes Andrews
Hugh Andrews b 1857 in Glasgow d 1870 in Glasgow
Walter Andrews

Catherine Andrews and James Burns’ children

James Burns
Mary Wilson Burns
Elizabeth Liddell Burns b 1857  in Paisley d 1941 in Balfron
John Andrew Burns
Annie Andrew Burns
David Andrew Burns

4th Generation

Margaret Phillip and Robert Wright’s children

Elizabeth Wright b 14 Nov 1874 in New York, USA
Robert Wright
Mary Wright b abt 1878 in New York, USA
George Wright

Victoria Phillip and John Grant’s children

James Victor Grant
John Grant b 1887 in Glasgow
Margaret Andrew Grant
Helen Forrest Grant

Jane Phillip and George Keddie’s children

Margaret Keddie
Agnes Wilson Keddie
George Keddie
John Keddie
Alexander Keddie
Henry Cormack Keddie
Janet Cormack Keddie
Jane Phillip Keddie b 1895 in Glasgow d 1966 in Auchterarder

Ellen Liddell and James Forrest’s child

James Liddell Forrest

James Andrews and Mary Wilkie’s children

Male Andrews b 1869 in Glasgow d 1896 in Glasgow
Helen Wilkie Andrews
Annie Graham Andrews
Mary McKay Andrews b 1875 in Glasgow d 1887 in Glasgow
Agnes Andrews
James Andrews
William Wilkie Andrews

John Andrews and Margaret Reid’s children

William  Reid Andrews
Margaret Reid Andrews
Agnes Andrews
Ann Andrews b 1876 in Glasgow d unknown
James Paul Andrews
John Andrews
Hugh Andrews b 1883 in Glasgow d unknown
Christina McLaren Reid Andrews b 1885 in Glasgow d unknown
Rachel Andrews

Annie Andrews and James Danskin’s children

John Danskin b 10 Nov 1870 in Glasgow d 1896 in Glasgow
Annie Graham Danskin

Annie Andrews and David French’s children

Lenora French
Caroline French
Winifred French
David French

William Andrews and Margaret Hannah Mathieson’s children

Agnes Andrews b 23 Jan 1884 in Thornaby, England  d 1965 in Darlington, England
Annie Andrews
William Andrews b 1888 in Rutherglen d 21 Feb 1915 in Ypres, France
Margaret Andrews b 1891 in Rutherglen d unknown
Janet Andrews
Mary Andrews
James Andrews b 1899 in Middlesbrough, England d 1934 in Middlesbrough, England

Agnes Andrews and William Bell’s children

Agnes Bell
Mary Bell b 1885 in Glasgow d unknown
William Bell
Walter Andrew Bell b 1888 in Glasgow d 1942 in Glasgow
Christina McLaren Bell b 1890 in Glasgow d unknown
Jessie Bell b 1895 in Glasgow d unknown
Alice Duncan Bell

Walter Andrews and Margaret Sherry’s children

Walter Andrews b 29 May 1883 in South Shields, England
Margaret Helena Andrews b 1884 in Glasgow
Frank Andrews

James Burns and Jane Gartshore’s children

Catherine Andrew Burns b 15 May 1874 in Glasgow d unknown

Mary Wilson Burns and Peter Fisher Scott’s children

Catherine Andrews Scott
Margaret Fisher Scott
Elizabeth Burns Scott
Annie Burns Scott

John Andrew Burns and Charlotte Weir’s children

James Burns b 1883 in Glasgow d unknown
Margaret Morton Burns

Annie Andrew Burns and John Gilmour’s children

Mary Wilson Burns Gilmour
Sarah Strachan Gilmour b 1893 in Glasgow d 1962 in Glasgow
John Strachan Gilmour
James Burns Gilmour
David Andrew Burns Gilmour
Alexander Henderson Gilmour

David Andrew Burns and Catherine MacFarlane’s children

James Burns b abt 1912 in Glasgow

5th Generation

Robert Wright and Marie Louise Kieck’s children

Anna Catherine Wright
Alice Margaret Wright
Helen Marie Wright
Charlotte Elsie Wright
Robert George Wright
William John Wright b 6 May 1922 in Alameda, California, USA d 13 Apr 1965 in Alameda, California, USA

George Wright and Katherine M Kieck’s children

George Henry Wright b 16 Feb 1925 in New Jersey USA d 21 Feb 2006 in Alameda, California, USA

Margaret Andrew Grant and Alexander Paterson Stevenson’s children

Robert Fraser Stevenson
Helen Victoria Stevenson

Helen Forrest Grant and Albert Sydney Paul’s children

Albert Sydney Paul
Victoria Grant Paul

Margaret Keddie and William J Geek’s children

William George Keddie Geek

Agnes Wilson Keddie and George Robertson Fyfe’s children

Jeanie Keddie Fyfe
Mary Sneddon Fyfe
Agnes Keddie Fyfe
George Robertson Fyfe  b 1910 in Tulliallan d 1977 in Auchterarder
Margaret Philip Fyfe b 1912 in Tulliallan d 1912 in Tulliallan
Isabella Eddison Fyfe b 1913 in Tulliallan d unknown
Janet Cormack Keddie Fyfe b 1916 in Tulliallan d 1927 in Auchterarder
Grace Fyfe b 1918 in Auchterarder d 17 Jun 2002 in Canada

George Keddie and Mary Jardine’s children

George James Drysdale Keddie
Alexander Jardine Keddie
Archibald McDonald Keddie b 1915 in Glasgow d 1989 in Glasgow
Mary Millar Keddie
Margaret Keddie

John Keddie and Christina Dalziel Ballantyne’s children

Christina Ballantyne Keddie
George Keddie
Jane Phillip Keddie
Elizabeth Turnbull Keddie

Alexander Keddie and Dorothy Buckle’s children

Mary Shields Keddie

Henry Cormack Keddie and Margaretta Jane Mitchell’s children

Robina Doctor Mitchell Keddie b 12 Apr 1914 in Glasgow d 1935 in Glasgow
Henry George Keddie

Janet Cormack Keddie and Robert McKerlie Hannah’s children

Jane Phillip Hannah

Annie Graham Andrews and Samuel Kelly’s children

Samuel Kelly b 1890 in Glasgow d 1953 in Glasgow

Agnes Andrews and Robert Hope’s children

Mary Wilkie Andrews Hope
James Graham Andrew Hope
Robert Hope b 1906 in Glasgow d 1976 in Lamlash

James Andrews and Margaret Tannahill Colquhoun’s children

Christina Robertson Montador Andrew
Helen McAulay Wilkie Andrew
James Graham Andrew
David Harvey Colquhoun b 1911 in Glasgow d 1911 in Glasgow
William Wilkie Andrew
John Colquhoun Andrew

William Wilkie Andrews and Mary White Milligan’s children

James Graham Andrew b 17 Jun 1904 in Glasgow d unknown
John Milligan Andrew b 1906 in Glasgow d 1907 in Glasgow
Fanny Milligan Andrew
Mary Wilkie Andrew
William Andrew b 16 Apr 1919 in Dunoon d 1992 in Brentwood, Essex, England

William Andrews and Amy Louisa Erinstrom’s children

Ruby Christina Andrews
Stanley William Andrews
Amy Louise Andrews
Walter Erinstrom Andrews
Zita Margaret Andrews

Margaret Reid Andrews and William Hunter’s children

Ebenezer Hunter
Margaret Andrews Hunter
 John Dryburgh Hunter b 1894 in Glasgow d 9 May 1915 in France
Helen Butters Hunter
Christina Hunter b 1898 in Glasgow d 1902 in Glasgow
William Hunter b 1900 in Glasgow d 1911 in Glasgow
Annie Graham Hunter b 1903 in Glasgow d 1908 in Glasgow
Edith Agnes Andrews Hunter
Rachel Andrews Hunter b 1908 in Glasgow d 1998 in Glasgow
Thomas Hunter b 1910 in Glasgow  d 1919 in Glasgow
William Hunter

For more information on the above family follow on the Hunter page

James Paul Andrews and Isabella Somerville’s children

Edith Andrews
Isabella McMeechin Andrews b 1907 in Glasgow d 1909 in Glasgow
Sarah McMeechin Andrews
James Somerville Andrews
Margaret Reid Andrews

Annie Graham Danskin and Robert Speirs’ children

Robert Speirs
John Danskin Speirs

Lenora French’s children

Annie French

Lenora French and John MacLean Keith’s children

James Gilmour Keith b 1912 in Cambuslang d unknown

Caroline French and Thomas William Cleveland Nelson’s children

Caroline Nelson b 1919 in Glasgow d unknown

Winifred French and James Gillespie’s children

John J Gillespie b abt 1919 in Glasgow
James Gillespie b 1921 in Glasgow d 1997 in Glasgow
David French Gillespie

David French and Catherine Mowat’s children

Catherine Mowat French

Annie Andrews and Frederick George Wilson’s children

Margaret Wilson
William Wilson b abt 1910 in Thornaby on Tees, Yorkshire, England d unknown
John Norman Wilson
Frederick James b 19 Feb 1915 in Thornaby on Tees, Yorkshire, England d 13 Oct 1997 in London, England
Annie Wilson

Janet Andrews and William Gladders’ children

Olive Doreen Gladders b 1913 in Middlesbrough, England d 1921 in Middlesbrough, England
Margaret Gladders
Winifred Gladders
Robert William Gladders
Stanley Gladders b 1923 in Middlesbrough, England d 1982 in Hamilton, Ontario, Canada
Joan Gladders

Mary Andrews and Robert William McMurray’s children

Olive Jardine McMurray b 21 Feb 1925 in Stockton, Durham, England d 3 Dec 2008 in Redcar, Yorkshire, England
Colin McMurray
Agnes McMurray 1 Mar 1928 in Middlesbrough, England d 2 Jul 2004 in Middlesbrough, England
Robert McMurray

Alice Duncan Bell and Peter Kerr’s children

Agnes Andrew Kerr b 1920 in Glasgow d unknown
Alice Bell Kerr
Alexander Wylie Kerr
Jessie Bell Kerr

Frank Andrews and Elizabeth Fearn’s children

Mary Elizabeth Andrews
Alena Andrews b 1920 in Chesterfield, Derbyshire, England d 1920 in Chesterfield, Derbyshire, England
Edna Andrews b 1921 in Chesterfield, Derbyshire, England d 1929 in Chesterfield, Derbyshire, England
Harriet Anne Andrews

Margaret Fisher Scott and Robert Burns’ children

Andrew Burns b 1900 in Glasgow d 1976 in Glasgow
Peter Burns b 1911 in Glasgow d 1994 in Girvan
Elizabeth Mary Burns b 1917 in Glasgow d 2010 in Kirkintilloch
Catherine Andrews Burns

Elizabeth Burns Scott and William Kirk’s children

Mary Burns Scott Kirk
William Kirk

Annie Burns Scott and William Dunsmore Hall’s children

William Dunsmore Hall
Peter Scott Hall
Mary Burns McInnes Hall b 1915 in Glasgow d 1987 in Glasgow
Thomas Hall b 1917 in Glasgow d 1985 in Old Kilpatrick
Margaret McInnes Hall

Mary Wilson Burns Gilmour and James Wylie’s children

Annie Burns Wylie
Elizabeth Thompson Wylie b 1919 in Glasgow d 2002 in Glasgow
James Wylie b 1929 in Glasgow d 2020 in Glasgow

John Strachan Gilmour and Robina McLure Venables’ children

Grace McLure Gilmour
Annie Burns Gilmour

David Andrew Burns Gilmour and Jane Fleming McRobert’s children

John Gilmour b abt 1927 in Glasgow d 2001 in Irvine

Jeanie Keddie Fyfe and David Boag’s children

George Fyfe Boag b 1933 in Auchterarder d 19 Aug 1945 in Auchterarder
Agnes Fyfe Boag b 1940 in Auchterarder d 10 Nov 2009 in Auchterarder

Mary Sneddon Fyfe and Thomas Rankine’s children

William Rankine b 8 Aug 1933 in Alloa d 20 Dec 2021 in Clackmannan
Agnes Fyfe Rankine
Isabel Margaret Rankine
Ian George Rankine

Mary Millar Keddie and Alexander Morton Lumsden’s children

Irene Anne Lumsden

James Graham Andrew and Margaret Masterton’s children (1st family)

Anne Masterton Andrew

James Graham Andrew and Agnes Miller Adamson’s children (2nd family)

Graham James John Andrew b 1936 in Sydney, NSW, Australia d 6 Dec 1972 in Sydney, NSW, Australia

William Wilkie Andrew and Helen Johnston Gallacher’s children

William Wilkie Andrew b 1931 in Glasgow d 1933 in Glasgow
James Graham Andrew b 1932 in Glasgow d 2020 in Glasgow
John Colquhoun Andrew b 1934 in Glasgow d 2 Dec 2004 in Walsall, West Midlands, England
David Harvey Colquhoun Andrew b 1935 in Glasgow d 1935 in Glasgow
Helen Johnston Andrew b 1936 in Glasgow d 1936 in Glasgow
Margaret Tannahill Colquhoun
Helen Gallacher Andrew b 1941 in Glasgow d 2020 in Kirkintilloch

Amy Louise Andrews and Harold Edward Murch’s children

Noel Stanley Murch b 27 Mar 1923 in Greymouth, NZ d 21 Dec 2004 in NZ

James Somerville Andrews and Catherine Connor’s children

James Paul Andrews b 1933 in Glasgow d 1985 in Glasgow
Helen Brown Andrews
Charles Connor Andrews b 1941 in Glasgow d 1993 in Glasgow

Robert Speirs and Wilhelmina Langer’s children

Patricia B Speirs b 11 Apr 1934 in East Ward, Cumberland, England d 1940 in Knaresborough, North Yorkshire, England

John Danskin Speirs and Vera Doris Thompson’s children

John Maurice Danskin Speirs b abt 1930 in Buenos Aires, Argentina d 1961 in Abingdon, Berkshire, England
Constance Annie Speirs